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Jumbo by Anax Puzzle 3 by Mysti
Puzzle by Niemand Games by Anax
Puzzle by Boyar Plenty to Digest by Sleight
Puzzle by Xenos Puzzle 2 by Sleight
Puzzle by Boaz Puzzle by Dylan
Puzzle by Mad Puzzle by Hisashi
Imperator by Anax Puzzle 4 by Mysti
Puzzle 2 by Dylan Puzzle by Hypatia
Puzzle by Kryptonologist Puzzle by Radler
Puzzle 2 by Radler Puzzle 2 by Boaz
Puzzle by Halcyon 10 by Anax
Puzzle by Dalibor Puzzle by Maddy

An excellent start to 2008 with a Jumbo from  Anax, which is very entertaining and proves that solving this type of puzzle doesn’t always need to be a slog. 
Mysti’s third puzzle has a theme and as usual contains some very interesting and innovative clueing.
It is always good to have fresh blood on this site and I am very impressed by Niemand’s debut puzzle, which makes makes some excellent use of that staple of crosswords, the cryptic-only definition. Another splendid puzzle from Anax is “Games” which has an Olympic theme. This is cryptic clueing at its very best.
Boyar’s debut here is an impressive one – another new setter with flair and originality who should go far. The debut puzzle from Sleight has a food theme. It’s an extremely enjoyable puzzle with some fresh and original ideas, including some cracking cryptic-only definitions. Xenos is another new compiler, whose puzzle is full of fresh ideas and not too difficult, so it can be enjoyed by all. Sleight’s second offering is a fiendish cryptic that will challenge even advanced solvers. Some of the clues in this puzzle are worthy of the Times crossword. 
I am delighted to include Boaz’s first puzzle, It’s a terrific solve and further proof that there are many excellent new setters who can be trusted with the future of cryptic crosswords. Dylan, yet another good setter making his debut here, has provided us with a fun, plain cryptic with some clever touches in the clues. Mad has provided an excellent thematic for his first puzzle on the site. This one was great fun to solve and is thoroughly recommended. Hisashi’s first puzzle is also a thematic, the first crossword from this setter to appear here. This one is a very enjoyable solve.
Anax makes a welcome reappearance with a superb plain barred puzzle. Regulars will need no further introduction from me.
Mysti ’s fourth is quite a challenge, probably his best so far. It displays his usual flair and originality. Dylan makes a second appearance with a challenging, entertaining puzzle full of innovative ideas and wit. This is a fine puzzle guaranteed to keep solvers on their toes. Hypatia has provided a puzzle which is simple but elegant. This one is particularly suitable for those starting out as solvers but also as balm for those who want a break from barred thematics with complicated preambles!
The puzzle by Kryptonologist marks another impressive debut. This is a puzzle full of well-disguised definitions and clever misdirections. Radler’s puzzle has a lovely theme and will be enjoyed by those who like a tough challenge. I snapped up a second puzzle from Radler and published it much more quickly than I usually would put out two puzzles by the same setter. This puzzle has a long answer spanning several entries, plus cleverly-worked thematic material and some tremendous clues.
Boaz is back with another elegantly clued puzzle, following his very impressive debut at the end of 2008. Halcyon’s puzzle is a real challenge. This is a setter who has the ability to exploit the English language to produce fascinating crossword clues. Anax takes time out from his work at the Times, Independent and now the FT to make another appearance here; his latest is an amusing thematic which is more than adequate proof of why this setter is in such high demand.
Dalibor has offered a puzzle full of fiendishly tricky and original clueing devices, which will give even the most advanced solvers’ brains a workout. An excellent start from another promising new setter. Maddy is a new compiler from India and his offering here is 
full of fresh ideas and amusing wordplay.