I can
still vividly remember solving my first Listener puzzle, even though
it was back in the distant mists of time (well, the early nineties).
I’d noticed that in addition to the normal
Times crossword there was an extra puzzle in the section with the brainteasers,
bridge and chess puzzles, entitled “The
Listener Crossword”. Rather naďvely, I assumed that this was just another little time-filler like the other puzzles on
that page. The theme as I remember it was that all or some of the answers had to be broken into two halves and the
resulting fragments fitted into wherever they would go. How
difficult can that be, I thought, as I made a start on
the puzzle.
Nine hours
later, with a blazing headache and a sore throat from cursing the
setter (apologies to whoever it was!) I filled in the last entry.
Well, I thought,
this was clearly a one-off. Nobody’s going to tackle
puzzles that hard every week, are they?
forward a few weeks to when I next bought the Saturday Times (I didn’t buy the paper regularly in those days). There, in all
its glory, was another Listener crossword, something about bridge
this time… which of course I attempted and again ended up with puffy
eyes, a serious headache and the sense that this couldn’t go on. In
those days I didn’t have a lot of free time or much of a social life
and didn’t want to waste what little I did have in favour of
spending a ridiculous amount of time on a single crossword. So, to avoid temptation, I
made a point of not buying the Times
on a Saturday.
returned to the Listener two or three years later and completed it
relatively quickly. It was probably an easy one, and of course my
solving skills had improved considerably. From then on I have been
a devotee of this puzzle and am happy to say that I can quite often
complete it in two or three hours – helped of course by modern
computer aids like wordfinders, anagram solvers and the Internet. I
attempt the Listener near enough every week, but there are a few puzzles I don't bother with. These are:
Mathematical puzzles.
Four puzzles a year are mathematical. That means four weeks off a
year for me. Now, I’m perfectly numerate and enjoyed maths at school,
and certainly not one of those bores who show their ignorance by
proudly boasting “I’m hopeless at maths, me.” The Listener maths puzzles,
as required by the Notes for Setters, should not and do not
require mathematical knowledge beyond GCSE level so there’s no
advanced calculus or trigonometry or anything like that. My objection
to these puzzles is that although the maths itself is relatively
simple, solving these puzzles is usually a very hard slog requiring
a lot of trial and error. If you’re an advanced computer programmer
or, obviously, a mathematics professor, you can probably develop
processes to solve these puzzles more quickly. For the rest of us
though, what happens when we are confronted by a clue such as
“Square, whose root is prime (5)”? You have to work out all the
squares that have five digits, then test all their square roots to
see if they are primes. The opportunity for missing one out (which
will always be the right answer) is enormous and the whole process
is a heck of a slog for which, frankly, I haven’t the time or the
patience. In addition, these puzzles often have long, off-putting
preambles (see below) and perhaps most important of all, they are
not crosswords! However good a theme may be, some fun should be had
solving the clues and there is no way that “Not a cube” – a clue which
appeared in one mathematical puzzle
– has any of the wit, ingenuity or enjoyment of the best efforts by
Elgin, Chalicea, Phi et al. I appreciate that these puzzles are
popular with some so would never suggest that they shouldn’t be
included, but they are not for me.
The Playfair code square, historically used by the
military, has been used in several Listener puzzles, usually to the
tune of one a year. The rules are long and complex and rather than
take up space here,
link explains the
principle very well. The main problem I have with Playfair is that,
in many cases, it is a fiddly and unnecessary obstacle tacked on to
the end of a puzzle just to make it harder, perhaps to disguise a
weak theme. I see little point in getting 95% of a puzzle done, then spending
three times as long again trying to find the Playfair keyword just so that the last six answers can be entered in code.
What’s more, the Listener Setters’ rules dictate that the keyword
should not be able to be guessed from any thematic material in the
puzzle. I wouldn’t mind so much if having got Julius Caesar,
Cymbeline and Hamlet in the grid I was able to make an educated
guess that Shakespeare is the keyword. But I don’t want to waste
time just to discover that, having got all the other thematic
material, the word needed to code the last few answers is something irrelevant
like PLEONASTIC. In the past Playfair puzzles always meant another week off for
me, although thanks to the advent of online code-breakers I am more likely to attempt them these days if the rest of the puzzle looks interesting.
something like this:
answers are to be treated as Rosicrucians, Visigoths or Boy Scouts.
The relationship between them can be determined by encoding half the
letters in the grid (to be determined by the solver) with a code
also to be determined by the solver. This gives instructions in an
Ugro-Finnic language which may be interpreted in seven different
ways. On discovering the relationship a Lorentzian transformation is
required to locate five virtual elements in the grid...”
Some, but
fortunately not many, puzzles contain preambles that make as
much sense to me as the nonsense I’ve written above. I find my eyes
glaze over before I’ve got to the end and my response is “Sorry
mate, no can do. I’m off to the pub.” Often these are the puzzles
which attract the most praise on crossword forums which suggests (a)
I’m too stupid to appreciate the really good Listeners (b) some
people like to show off how clever they are or (c) a mixture of the
two. I have no doubt that these puzzles are superbly crafted, and
that if one puts in enough time they can be very satisfying to
solve. The fact is, I’m not willing to spend twenty or so hours
struggling with a puzzle that, by the looks of the preamble, is
probably beyond me anyway. Again, I add that as these puzzles are
popular with some solvers I have no problem with their inclusion – I
don’t subscribe to the current trend of banning things that a significant
number of people enjoy just because those things are not to my taste.
That still leaves me with well over 90% of Listener puzzles to enjoy. These days I finish almost all of the ones I attempt, but of course I am defeated every now and then, usually by puzzles in which the tail wags the dog. By this I mean that it takes thirty minutes to fill the grid, then
another four hours trying to work out the last step. I am not keen on this type of puzzle, especially if
this last step turns out to be rather tacked-on and inconsequential.
I’m reluctant to spend longer on the endgame than it
took to fill the grid, and in the past that would mean giving up and waiting for the solution to be published. Nowadays there are sites where people trade answers and hints, and if I really don’t think I'm going to reach the end unaided I will resort to them.
Some people disapprove of “cheat” sites, but I solve these puzzles entirely for pleasure and even if I
still resided within the UK I would not bother sending in completed
puzzles. I am not interested in the prize or in
puzzle completion statistics. The reason most people want their statistics
recorded is that they are hoping to get an all-correct run in any
given year. The Listener statistician does an excellent job
recording solvers’ success, but for the reasons described in the
previous section I am never going to get a 100% record and I see
little point in wasting his time. Therefore I see the occasional use of “cheat” sites as no different from looking at the published solution, since in both cases I concede that the puzzle defeated me and make no claim to have completed it successfully.
I am conscious that much of the foregoing is rather negative in tone. I
certainly don’t want to come across like some of the contributors to certain crossword blogs who never seem to enjoy
anything. I still get great satisfaction when I complete a puzzle,
easy or hard, and there have been many in the last few years that
have prompted a “Wow!” from me. Rather than name all of these, I am
going to give an outline of what, in my view, makes for a good
Listener crossword.
The title is the first thing to catch the solver’s attention and an
interesting one whets the appetite. Usually the title gives some
cryptic indication of the theme, but sometimes the title can
fascinate in its own right. A title like “Work by a Famous Poet” is
dull, even if the puzzle is not, but one like “We Interrupt this
Programme...”, the title of an excellent puzzle by Phi,
immediately aroused my curiosity as there were so many
Preamble. As I have already said, lengthy
and convoluted preambles are off-putting. The preamble doesn’t have
to give too much away, and may be a bit mysterious at first, but it
should at least give the impression that it will make sense at some
point when solving the puzzle. Clarity and conciseness are a
The best Listener setters write clues which are fun to solve. I have
come across some Listener puzzles where solving the clues is a
chore. In a sense the clues are the legwork needed to get to the
theme but it’s so much more enjoyable when the clues are
interesting. Some setters play safe (as I did with my own Listener
puzzles) and to avoid rejections, produce clues which would pass
muster with the most pedantically Ximenean critic but which are, as
a consequence, rather boring. Listener clues tend to be hard, and so
they should be, but I soon lose patience when they are peppered with obscure
Spenserian, Shakespearean and Scottish words.
Theme. I am constantly amazed by the rich
variety of themes that appear in the Listener series. I’m happy with
any theme so long as its implementation doesn’t involve a final step
which requires unreasonable leaps of faith. In the best puzzles, the
theme becomes apparent as you solve the clues. It could be a
quotation or set of instructions revealed by extra/misprinted
letters in the clues, or it may become obvious from the way the
answers fit into the grid itself. By the time the grid is complete,
the solver should be fully aware of what the theme is, and if there
is more to do, it should be reasonably obvious. One of the best
examples of this was a puzzle some years ago (I forget the setter,
I’m afraid) which, on completion, required the solver to erase all
answers from the grid. That’s the kind of thing that makes a puzzle
special for me – not just because it got me wondering how many
people sent in blank grids every week after that on the off chance
the theme had been repeated!
There have been so many different themes in the
history of the Listener that it’s impossible to categorise them all.
It is possible though to identify the four most common types of theme.
The most prevalent is probably that in which answers undergo some
sort of modification before entry into the grid. This is usually in
line with an instruction or quotation which reveals itself as you
solve the clues. The instruction may be the first letters of extra
words in the clues or a quotation around the perimeter of the grid,
to name two possibilities. Thus, if the instruction turns out to be
ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME, you may have to replace answers or parts of
answers which contain a synonym for “road” with the word “Rome”,
e.g. the entry for the answer STREETWISE would be ROMEWISE.
The second common type is grid-based
modifications. For example, it may appear at first glance that the
answers don’t fit properly in the available squares. There may be
too many or not enough squares. Say you have the answers CHINWAG and
APHID but there are only 5 and 3 squares available respectively. It
may be that, following a hint from the title or somewhere else in
the puzzle, the solver has to deduce that any letter sequences which
correspond to Greek letters should be replaced by the appropriate
Greek character, i.e. ΧNWAG and AΦD.
common theme is what I would call the wordsearch. Usually this
occurs when the puzzle is intended to celebrate a particular person.
For example you might have special clues which lead to PRAGUE, LINZ,
JUPITER, HAFFNER etc and the solver is required to locate and
highlight MOZART (the composer of these symphonies) in the
final grid. Finally, there is the pictorial representation puzzle,
where the final stage requires shading certain letters to portray,
perhaps, the St George flag to coincide with the puzzle appearing on
23rd April. (That one would
probably fall foul of the PC brigade these days!)
I enjoy
pretty much any theme, whether I’m familiar with the subject or not,
provided – as stated before – its implementation doesn’t involve
obscure or irrelevant (i.e. unfair) last steps when the grid is
complete. Obviously I’ll warm more to a theme if the subject’s one I
am interested in – classical music for example – but I keep an open
mind. It is a credit to the setters of this puzzle, present and
past, that the Listener can be relied on to cover such a diverse
range of themes and subjects.
As I
state in the introduction to this site, I have had a couple of
Listeners published. The first was called Europe’s Ports and the
second Surprise. I can’t reproduce them here, because they are now
the property of News International and I don’t want threatening
letters from their lawyers. If you subscribe to Times Online Crossword Club
you can find them there (12th April 2003 and
16th June 2007). They received a moderately
enthusiastic reception and I would be the first to admit that they
are certainly not the best Listener puzzles ever published, though I was
quite pleased with them at the time and the fact that they were
accepted shows they were of the required standard. I had another
puzzle rejected, rightly – the theme was weak and its implementation
poor, as a result of me trying to force a puzzle out. The fact is,
I’m not particularly good at coming up with innovative themes, or
ways of implementing them. I regard myself primarily as a cluesmith;
I don’t claim to be good at many things, but these days I feel that
when I’m on form I can write clues as well as anybody. My puzzles
for the FT and Independent have been very enthusiastically received, and it is in
that direction that my strengths lie. I’m more comfortable getting
the grid filled and then trying to come up with original, witty
clues to entertain the solver than I am thinking up themes or
constructing clever grids. I have no
plans to write any more Listeners at present, but if a brilliant
idea strikes me as I’m enjoying a Pilsner and watching
Prague go by, then who knows?
This final section is aimed at those who are
interested in having a go at solving Listener puzzles but are a
little anxious as to whether they would have any success. To start
with, I would say that by far the main factor in determining this is
clue solving ability. Take that out of the equation and every
Listener solver has pretty much an equal chance, since we all face a
new, unknown challenge each week. Sure, experience does count for
something: you get to know that some setters tend towards certain
themes, and you get to recognise certain tricks setters use to hide
information in the clues, grid or title. Intelligence also counts
too – someone who thinks that reality shows provide intellectual
stimulation is unlikely to polish the Listener off before breakfast
on the day it appears in the paper. But it is the ability to solve
clues that is paramount, and the good news is that the clues for the
hardest Listener generally rely on exactly the same techniques as
they do in any ordinary broadsheet crossword. There may be extra
complications, such as misprinted definitions or extra words, but
the techniques for interpreting the wordplay in order to get the
definition are no different. There is nothing new to learn.
distinguishes Listener clues from the Telegraph or Times is that they make use
of a far wider range of vocabulary and abbreviations. Anything
lexicographically justified by Chambers is acceptable so
long as it isn’t offensive. The words or meanings of words used as answers are often
unfamiliar. For example, in a
daily puzzle’s clues a word like PORT will be indicated as a
harbour, the left side, an opening or a fortified wine. These are
the first four meanings listed in Chambers. In a Listener
clue, PORT may be indicated as to carry, a borough, a bagpipe
composition or a suitcase (the following four meanings in Chambers). Likewise
indications for the letter R in a broadsheet are usually river,
right or runs, whereas in a Listener R may be indicated by 80,
80000, Rector or rule. Some setters make more use of obscurities
than others. In my opinion the best setters avoid overuse as they
know it can make the solving process frustrating and even
How do you know if you’re up to the challenge?
Obviously the best way is to get hold of a puzzle, either in the Saturday
Times or from the Times Crossword club if you’re a subscriber, and have a go. As a
rule of thumb, I would say that if you regularly finish the Times puzzle in 15 minutes
or less, you are certainly made of stern enough stuff to tackle the
Listener. I use the Times
as a yardstick as its puzzles are of consistent difficulty and
fairness – whereas the Guardian is wildly inconsistent with some puzzles which are very easy,
some very hard and some which take “libertarian” clueing to ridiculously unfair extremes.
gentler route to the Listener is to try the Sunday Times Mephisto or
plain Azed puzzles. These use similar vocabulary to the Listener but
do not have the added complication of a theme. This will get you
used to the style of advanced, barred cryptics. If you do well on
these you’re certainly ready to have a go at the Listener. Likewise
there are some puzzles similar to the Listener but usually easier –
the Sunday Telegraph
Enigmatic Variations series is a good example of this. The Inquisitor puzzle, formerly in the
Independent and now in the i newspaper on Saturday, is also a thematic, barred
puzzle, but be aware that while some of these puzzles are quite easy, others are every bit as hard as the Listener.
If you are a
good solver but, after attempting the Listener for the first time,
you find that after three hours you have one possible answer and
aren’t sure where to put it in the grid, don’t despair. It may be
that you’ve chosen to start with the hardest puzzle of the year. Try
again the following week. Listener puzzles aren’t graded for
difficulty, so until you get to know the setters you don’t know what
you’re in for, unless the puzzle has the sort of convoluted preamble
I’ve written about above. There are some easy puzzles each year, and
I think this is intentional in order to attract new solvers. There
are a few die-hard Listener solvers who grumble whenever an easy
puzzle appears, as if they think that the Listener Crossword should
belong only to a select few. Some elitism is unavoidable with a
puzzle at this level of course, but unless there are a few
entry-level puzzles each year the number of solvers will slowly die
out until it is not worth publishing it at all.
Is the
Listener crossword the best puzzle there is? It’s certainly the most
consistently difficult, and composing a good Listener puzzle is
probably the highest achievement any setter can aspire to. But to
say that a Listener puzzle is “better” than a Times or Telegraph puzzle is probably
a bit like saying that Wagner’s Ring is “better”
than, say, a Schubert song. In comparison to the
sheer complexity and epic scale of Wagner’s masterpiece, not to mention the
huge effort involved in staging it, the Schubert may come across as relatively lightweight, but I
happen to enjoy both. So it is with the crosswords – a Listener
requires great skill to think up, construct, clue and of course
solve, whereas a daily cryptic requires far less, but in their own
ways both can provide equal pleasure. It’s not a matter of
comparisons then, but I thoroughly recommend trying the Listener
crossword to any keen and competent solver. I have expressed my
likes and dislikes about this type of puzzle – yours of course may
be different or even the opposite. If so, good! Variety is an excellent
thing. It only remains for me to thank
the Listener setters for providing so much rich entertainment in the
past, present and, one hopes, the future – may you never run out of