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Puzzle by Kryptonologist
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Another new setter makes his mark on this site. Kryptonologist (who now sets as Chesterley and has published a book of crosswords) is based in the United States and it is always good to hear of interest in cryptic crosswords across the pond. This puzzle has plenty of disguised definitions and clever misdirections, which of course is what makes a good set of clues. 14 across is my favourite.


1 Perhaps till man receives love (3)
3 Find points south of irregularity (10)
9 Lost teens in want of a model's platforms (7)
10 With hesitation, I enter playing tune from an organ (7)
11 Starts to enlist training cadets and the rest (3)
12 Creep visiting Switzerland (4)
13 Workers' gatherings (4)
14 Rinse tanks in air conditioning for poisonous substance (7)
16 God-like and true, but not entirely (5)
17 Encased in metal – a mold that ought to be remembered? (5)
18 Jousting ring: tie match, say (7)
20 Eastern European goes back east to escape (5)
22 Change incorporates copyright ruling (5)
24 Most charming American opposed a grant (7)
26 Chip and Edwin dispatched (4)
27 Island retreat for one dog (4)
29 Micromanager, to some extent! (3)
31 Position shared with ribs? (7)
32 Stimulating electronic drive (7)
33 Determined one left Iran's shelter (10)
34 Golfer trains (3)

1 Hot, mean cirrus clouds dropping south want to spawn epic storm (9,5)
2 Ineffectual men turn in riotous bunches when leader quits (7)
3 Examine entrance to secure prison (4)
4 Marshal bosses worry excessively (6)
5 Cuckoo not a cute bird (8)
6 Require massage by ear (4)
7 Fish's scientific name revised when Mike is overruled by Academy (7)
8 Now, when sisters run down celebrity (14)
14 Sign, not absent from witnesses (5)
15 Dolly takes drug, causing injection mark? (5)
19 Take caps off one tap connection (8)
21 Shepherd's poetry in Old English (7)
23 Suppose I extract surrounding silver (7)
25 Levy from acting multinational group gets biological agent? (6)
28 Domino fell fast (4)
30 Ship, oddly buoyant (4)


Solution to Puzzle by Kryptonologist