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Puzzle by Maddy
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Maddy (not to be confused with Mad, who published here a while ago) hails from India and is heading for Delhi after working in Mumbai. A while ago he sent me a link to a puzzle he'd published on the Dowedo site and I was so  impressed I asked him if he could produce one to publish here. He duly obliged and this excellent puzzle is the result. All the clues are very entertaining but 7 down and 19 down are a worth special mention. At his request there is a direct feedback link to him on the solution page.


1 Two-hours of duty to pursue the enemy's messenger? (3,5)
5 Italian gentleman regularly swigging unlimited wine (6)
10 Follow the king cat (7)
11 9, upset by daughter, invoked divine protection (7)
12 Row about crown unravelled by public broadcaster (4-5)
13 Get brief from master seaman (5)
14 Perhaps Bill sacrifices 1000 dollars for male friends (5)
16 Copper diffused without charged particle when isolated (9)
17 Legally precluding odds of East coming first (9)
20 Spain's national hero backed the French detectives (2, 3)
21 Take an oath in small dress (5)
22 Extra large number of Romans protecting African country's custom (9)
25 Russia and America embrace India with love? That's disastrous (7)
26 In truth, female with class is attached to love initially, money ultimately (7)
27 Setter's costly letter opener? (2, 4)
28 Workers follow abridged American state standards (8)
1 Had too much to drink when returning to storehouse (5)
2 What a flyer may feel like, when gravity on top disappeared (4,4,3,4)
3 A physician is outside hospital for this particular purpose (2,3)
4 Islamic judge harbours resistance about raising matters of the heart (7)
6,23 It follows 26, 27 in 2? Whatever! (1,4,4,1,4)
7 Old person checking porn’s in trouble (2,6,7)
8 Perhaps he dreaded the very nature of communists? (3-6)
9 20-20 hits the jackpot (6)
14 Strong current alerts mom at sea (9)
15 Article proves sun will emit sulphur, explode and become a brighter star (9)
18 Introduce current protection device (6)
19 An African native fond of high-end vegetarian food? (7)
23 See 6
Cellist Ma's toys? (5)

Solution to Puzzle by Maddy