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Puzzle by Halcyon
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In his debut puzzle Halcyon shows great enthusiasm and flair for exploiting the English language to the full to produce amusing and clever crossword clues. There are a few obscurities and a couple of things to make the die-hard Ximeneans splutter – but this adds to the enjoyment of the challenge this puzzle offers. My favourites are 1 across and 16 across, and the surface reading of 7 down will certainly appeal to those driven mad by the eccentricities of some versions of Windows!


My personal mobile number in the States (6,5)
7 Copper in charge out cold: has treatment for back of head (7)
8 'E sounds cultured and may raise one (7)
10 Compartment with carved italics having a hidden meaning (10)
11 See 17
13 Memo notes output per unit of memory (6)
14 After leaving church Eunice fell in lake as Miller's wife had done (8)
16 Fence in park always carrying electric current (8)
18 Old England manager has a point, in retrospect (6)
20 Market heading off for Zambia – that's what we hear in Martinique (4)
21 Bird food placed in Royals' Enclosure (10)
24 An excellent example of this kind of snake (7)
25 Half-back consumes fish and drinks (7)
26 Con men with eclat worked in disguise (11)

Two cases, note, in a term (7)
2 Deadly gas and Neapolitan dancing? No thanks. Like a game of cards? (10)
3 Burdens to become harder on the way back (5)
4 "Oh do give up" she cried, abstracted (8)
5 Boy or girl? It could be either after a round? (4)
6 Peer with gong following ring bearer (7)
7 Mac & Co back with second cutting-edge device for keeping things simple (6,5)
9 Wow! Lestrade's got his shirt out about misleading statement (6,5)
12 Blue alien king is deranged and not to be trusted (10)
15 Dad in France with direction about mine descent (8)
17,11 Bitter – a fizzy drink for US base (7,4)
19 Stay at home, welcome young woman (7)
22 Policewoman takes in first of reprobates to cross-examine (5)
23 Man, strolling around, declines little European tart (4)

Solution to Puzzle by Halcyon