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Sharp-eyed solvers may notice that there’s a bit of a ghost theme to this one. If you go to the solution page you will find further explanation, which may be of interest.


Best bit of meat around King’s Lynn? (4)
3 Judge’s given order: one must leave country (6)
7 Eggs on violent activist at first (3)
10 They tend to badger or horse caught in snare, possibly (7)
11 Defend a believer, half cut, before court (7)
12 Politician involved in e.g. Afghan uprising is fellow national (10)
13 Gorgeous woman from borders of Bulgaria, born and second located in Helsinki (4)
14 Awful bad luck old bean, having to drop round daughter – you’ll get livid (5-3-4)
18 Old clergyman from the east’s decisive but too pernickety (12)
21 To carry child needs energy (4)
22 From now on, splashing her on covers of Finnish (etc)... (10)
24 to check out and relish makes people primarily content (7)
25 Model first to appear in Roth’s Hostel Part Two in 2007 left out? Make the film again! (7)
26 Women love women? That’s amazing! (3)
27 A title for some Kipling stories? I agree (4,2)
28 Raunchy socialite’s deserted by Yankee (4)

Topless joint in Sin City (6)
2 Government’s millions mount up, outwardly (6)
4 Lack of cooperation disrupts services but not seriously, at the start (15)
5 Full-length CD (10,5)
6 News for No 10 (4)
7 Musical drama’s lewd, not suitable for all? That can be put right in the theatre (8)
8 Like stag night, chucking guts, tucking into beer and wine (8)
9 Maybe copper’s description satisfied everyone in charge (8)
15 Perhaps Cod War’s over after day that’s very short (8)
16 Leftie recollected “What’s up Doc?” with sides splitting (8)
17 Laid up with temperature, virus we hear, tried Jumbo for the first time? (4-4)
19 Removing clothing worn (Dior?), Axelle's pair seen at last – that's a beautiful bird! (6)
20 Gabby’s spiteful about husband (6)
23 Pilgrimage endured by Jack (4)

Solution to Crossword 73