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11’s work could produce British ale, home brewed (2,6)
5 The thing here is, with bad grammar she’s a tragic figure (6)
10 Yellow-belly, as the saying goes, did this? (7)
11 He scored century in international after returning prize (7)
12,25 11’s work gets staff with consulate sacked (5,7)
13 Masculine types fish and drink (4,5)
14 Anyhow, get usual buns for elephants, say (12)
18 One in Europe gets man’s Palm Pilot finally home, good and ready (12)
21 Symbolic logic, most learn, is complicated (9)
23 Runs off to mark 11’s work (5)
24 Back around beginning of November priest died and left absolutely nothing (4,3)
25 See 12
26 Sustained note held by singer ended prematurely (6)
27 A year’s rent is lower (8)

Those filling role of Doctor Who can’t attend (6)
2 Yielding wicket, overwhelmed by bounce audibly  (6)
3 Endlessly had rows about university lectures (9)
4 11’s work gives married man a stroke (5,9)
6 More than one horse kicks (5)
7 Maybe soldiers subordinate to captain will provide something to wear (3,5)
8 Taking half of pill, sleep off unknown disease (8)
9 With regret I visit after amateur game to get last bit of money (14)
15 Medicines with connected oral applications (9)
16 Trade union managed to make trouble at first for 11’s work (8)
17 Bibliophile monopolises pocket book (8)
19 African policeman needs to request a rise – not half! (6)
20 At last Freddie Starr’s represented as philosopher (6)
22 Reversing a long way in sports car is hard work (5)

Solution to Crossword 58