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This one is quite a challenge. There is a lot of clever stuff going on in the clues, and you’ll feel a sense of satisfaction when the pennies drop. I particularly like 10 and 24 across. (PDF version)


CID op yet might produce proof in Hollywood... (8)
5 ...relating to sight of copper in or around LA... (6)
10 ...beginning to scheme with Al about Bush (5)
11 Help us to retain newspaper second editions for a larger circulation? (9)
12 EEC neatly gets around the flaming matter! (9)
13 Reg dunno about having a jog (5)
14 Once more fill the breech dear ol’ chaps (6)
15 Snap stripped covers back in place (3,4)
18 Just occasionally isn’t Keown a crude factor? (7)
20 Check a joint does have itself sorted (6)
22 Fast consisting of water ultimately paid off (5)
24 Dodgy retsina to pen and ink here! (9)
25 Boxer, perhaps with short reach, failing to finish training (4-5)
26 Trump and his crowd leaving historian wordless (5)
27 Fails to do nest out (6)
28 Quite possibly in some jeopardy as eradiated elements are returned (1,4,3)

Do go on, said in short (6)
2 Recall Levi’s the day before following shade of blue getting stick... (9)
3 ...for sometimes the renowned navy must be modified (5,3,3,4)
4 As a replacement it’s Dean or Ted in as arranged (7)
6 Provide clothing specs including note about type of skirt for important PM appointment (7,8)
7 Express free paper finally tried to get rational (5)
8 Muscle in on small time society honours (8)
9 He’s half afraid to get involved again (6)
16 Top Gear down in the dumps about first of laps (4,5)
17 Postdoc art soiree served up peeled shrimp? (8)
19 Fancy kind of potato out of Spain (6)
20 Get over shock at the end of Rod Laver? (7)
21 “Nasty Noel’s” present place appears unfinished to the naked eye (6)
23 Eliminate parking on drive (5)