When 1D
appears here it can mean either of two things, and is not
necessarily essential to solving the clue.
4 Container
of sweets (homophone for Eminem, perhaps) (6)
8 1D Spooner's
addition to bill, to request friendly economic rivalry
11 Passion produced by Irish and
English ensemble (3)
12 1D loverboys spill
the beans to reporter for The Queen Mary, among others
13 1D sang to lift a mixed economy
with rising prices but no growth (11)
Not even thirty could be spotted with twenty-two down
16 1D female fans hoping to attract
footballer’s pay, including a bit extra at first
17 5D, squeezing softly to kiss and
cuddle (5)
19 Inventory of
filthy homes for designer (7)
21 1D’s
birthplace is unknown – an endless production
line? (1,6)
24 Surrounded by all manner of
no good to begin with (5)
27 1D lovers’
vehicles for their passion charge around Australia, New
Zealand and Western Samoa (8)
28 Supply
feed for spoken line (3)
29 1D personnel
being driven in car look wishfully, without fully being
prepared (11)
31 1D, according to Spooner,
supplies offensive drama series with gags
32 Cassidy singer Dave
doesn't begin retrospective (3)
33 1D’s
well-groomed urbanite fiddling at some Lurex
34 1D’s glamorous young socialites
entertaining we nerdy ones (6)
1 Baggage for bag luggage?
2 Old labourer waves to the audience
3 Position sculptures – without second
of hesitation (6)
4 Cyborgs born amongst
people’s origins (6)
5 Head off round
about now (4)
6 Spot a toad smuggling
food in the veg patch (6)
7 Roof
worker climbs up and gets fired – again!
9 Numberless plaiting plaited
into plait (7)
10 Bank employees whose
confidentiality can’t be trusted? (7)
1D promotional video with facts, or a nice film for a change?
18 Nocturnal irritant in royal
bedroom (3)
20 Where to get a drink in
November (3)
22 With Harry away, cockney
steals some birds from the garden (7)
1D take it easy, with joker Harry getting in around ten
25 One of five Chinese elements is
said to be courage (6)
26 Extracting a
quarter from DNA codes will make for stunted beardies
27 Concoction made by head of
patisserie going from Belgium to France
28 1D had checked for crooks
29 Ross and Norris once shared this
chamber in Mr Ross’s address (4)
30 More
than six balls (4)