4 Stop receiving drug after
work started (6)
6 Elegant flower
arrangement which includes a few uncommon elements
9 Sandwich to take away?
10 Encourage oil company to make case
for keeping chickens (8)
11 Promote Lord
Chancellor as well (11)
15 I will shortly
get connected to electrical unit to succeed gaslight!
17 Check whether I will be called to
be a witness (7)
18 Funding porn shops is
wrong (11)
22 People are favoured when
Anglican rather than Roman (8)
23 Nearly
sacked diplomats who lost their heads (6)
Starts to sound peculiarly like complete babble
25 Delay with defibrillator initially
could be fatal (6)
1 Examination partly entails ear
check (6)
2 It sticks in the throat when I
get spoilt rotten (10)
3 Woman is among
those who strongly dislike pets (8)
Flood ended before animal returned (8)
Try and expel engineer professionally
7 Coward backs Trotsky
8 You have a record for squealing
12 Criticised specialist he cared
about after mistreatment (10)
13 Using
influence to keep secret (8)
Spiritually, many are empty without a way to show compassion
16 After three notes, you come in
audibly with a fourth, without exception
19 Help soldiers willingly
20 Prefers no games on the Sabbath
21 Old father is over fifty stone!