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Printer's Devilry by Nibbo
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Nibbo sent this Printer's Devilry crossword. It is almost impossible to make the complete and the truncated sentences both make sense – but he has managed it in almost every clue. This is an incredible achievement in my opinion - try writing some PD clues yourself and you'll soon see what I mean. Nibbo says that he is conscious of a few flaws with the grid and some of the clues – but these are easily forgiven when considering how difficult it is to write this type of crossword. I hope you will enjoy solving this as much as I did!


Each clue is a passage from which the printer has removed the answer, closing the gap, taking liberties sometimes with punctuation and spacing, but not disturbing the order of the remaining letters.  Thus in the sentence Now that it's so much warmer, can't I let the boiler go out? MERCANTILE is hidden. The printer might offer as a clue: Now that it's so much wart, the boil, ergo out! Each passage when complete makes some sort of sense. Chambers does not include 3 place names or a famous actor's surname.

1 For Mo: Indian agave tome (12, two words)
9 Climbing in the jut-side of Lake Geneva (4)
11 Being a strong Cockney ale, I very 'ard (7)
12 Domestic eased back into the wild (6)
13 Dan 'oping they leave tonight (6)
15 Off ward by accident (5)
17 I'm convert with the works of Shakespeare (3)
19 I have an Indian, pal, every night (4)
20 Wooden log bit by mistake (4)
21 Idiot 'A' (Ken) to describe a cell (5)
22 Big Ft in gross sea waters (12)
24 Jane to dinner (12)
29 Soap fan really got in nasty episode (5)
31 Lamb hung on, but shook (4)
33 The kid nicked my cress on... (4)
34 Boded well, in front of the chasing pack (3)
36 "Put in the small 'p'" teen replies (5)
37 "I have Abe, GO! I shall be saved" (6)
38 Kart in the back door (6)
40 I gave Min pound note to go away (7)
41 The close seeds (4)
42 Marco recards correctly (12)
1 Beat e.g. car owner in a fit of rage (5)
2 People (WI) gambling less often than they would like (3)
3 Being out, lock all the doors (6)
4 Form hot to work. A good incentive is needed (4)
5 The rat, bad mechanics (4)
6 I rot in the forest (5)
Plas tint in error (6)
8 The stupid cheep "Escape through the gate!" (6)
10 Fie! Bullets through the air (5)
11 Formed men to surrender (5)
14 See how at the cinema (7)
16 Madge, smooth (7)
18 "Itsy side wharf you'll be wanting then?" (4)
23 Mona bled drivers to relax (4)
24 Arab (beached) to chase after... (6)
25 T.A. ill? Ed to repair my suit (6)
26 Marx T in line for promotion (5)
27 Song: Carrots may cut themselves (6)
28 China mat study at home (5)
30 It's an old mud, or a kind of hat (5)
32 Twinned against God (5)
34 Maya "Maison" the reverse of a Peruvian coin (4)
35 Bar football team play in Herts (4)
39 "My gut!" he informed the doctor (3)

Solution to Printer's Devilry by Nibbo