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Just over half the answers need to undergo modification before entry into the grid so that no more than one character appears in any one cell. Numbers in brackets refer to grid entries.

1 It may provide stout worker with right footwear (8, two words)
5 It's normal to pay for a round when disheartened (6)
10 National flag makes university angry (15, three words)
11 Review of Armageddon's not good, some stars revealed (7)
12 One provides waterworks in country following great wrangling (7, two words)
13 Metalworker preserves legend, according to hearsay (8)
15 Woody section of dhal lentils? (5)
18 He trains boxer in two senses (5)
20 It provides light material for bedspreads (8)
23 Rector failed degree in rare lapse (7)
25 One poet or another replacing daughter with son (7)
26 Presumably this selected group never sits? (15, two words)
27 Attractive sort I heard puts on weight in India (6, two words)
28 Modified gas-ring conserves energy but is more problematic (3,5)

1 Soundly prohibited acts of resistance in places where musicians play (6)
2 In reshuffle, real idiot becomes leader (9)
3 Dad made fun of son's glib behaviour? (7)
4 Duke's daughter gets warning from US cops (5)
6 Jazz fan gets into opera, but not second composition (7)
7 Together or by oneself, finally removed Government (5)
8 Ring home when placed in digs – mobile is breaking up (8)
9 Treacle-beer from Cornwall perhaps not the drink in London area, it's held (8)
14 Reach white heat in raging science debate, chiefly about article (8)
16 Pest harassed Diana endlessly, assuming special right to interfere (9, two words)
17 Hypocrite split hairs in letter (8)
19 Hardline revolutionary tours northern area of Germany (7)
21 Going astray in Welsh mountains, son neglected to phone (7)
22 One article cut from Guardian badly capturing English queen's majesty (6)
24 Noble act, giving away all diamonds to support old lady (5)
25 He puts the kids to sleep on island shore (5)

Solution to Crossword 48