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Puzzle by Mycroft
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Mycroft is another promising setter – he has produced a very nice puzzle which puts a sound technique to good use, making for a fun and enjoyable set of clues. I particularly liked 23 across, 30 across and 22 down.


Growth in Regency stucco work (4)
3 The currency of wool, not new (5)
6 Result of turncoat’s trickery? (4)
11 Coach parking had not finished before school (7)
12 Lines pass the sound of hesitation to Poles (7)
13 Pretty daughter should be checked (5)
14 Assessment giving flight to papal airs (9)
15 Fish – sole, one hears – is first one to make advances? (4,5)
18 Decapitated loafer perhaps responsible for 6? (5)
20 Lucid article, a review covered (5)
21 Remains sound asleep, and the French entering for 18? (9)
23 Spaniard being entertained by his countrywoman’s pot (9)
26 Massacre pensioners, not wholly to obtain sweet (5)
27 Stiff, declare 18 first (7)
28 Cascading yet hard water? (7)
29 Man is about right (4)
30 Outing relation after jeans’ opening? (5)
31 Evenly careworn, being a long time (4)
1 Douglas perhaps seen upon 12 (7)
2 Draw metal seat design (9)
4 Is sweet when a gecko, though loveless, becomes involved with 31 (5,4)
5 Summary of flier, missing dog-lead (5)
7 Albert takes the river to America (5)
8 Measure up after sloshing some wine (7)
9 Stable boss? (4)
10 Rock found in A-Z under Alabama, California and the outskirts of Timor (8)
16 Java rose, giving way to 1 down (8)
17 Haka performed in messy bunk with novice found in Xanadu? (5,4)
19 Heyday years ago, legend rewritten (6,3)
20 Funny motorway constructed originally to cut through fuel (7)
22 Eggs university man to join school (7)
24 At heart, diarist raised part.... (5)
25 ....of a golden thank-you, this coming from the heart (5)
26 False start to a final passage (4)

Solution to Puzzle by Mycroft