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This crossword contains a large number of unusual words. 


1 Language spoken in American city by native Norwegian? (7)
5 What Flaubert's topless Madame does regularly (7)
9 Old Roman money houses (5)
10 Two articles about the digestion, mostly, of lowest order of insects (9)
11 Main route for vessel (6)
12 Geometry of the Earth, for example, is static (8)
14 The end of Pilgrim's Progress (5)
15 The key to understanding God is held in Sanskrit philosophical treatise (9)
18 Academic terms for selenium meso-compounds (9)
20 Avifauna in a Cornish habitat (5)
22 Reduce as much as possible the payment on the car (8)
24 The centre of Verona, with pairs of Corinthian columns, displays this architectural style (6)
26 Lawyers go into metal storage building (5-4)
27 Time for the heartless politician to find love (5)
28 Avert goal after penalty – but tie unfortunately is lost (7)
29 One with a distant ideal, like Martin Luther King? (7)
1 Nasty, smug criminal has eye trouble (9)
2 Tyneside academic gets most of the credit for description of molecular arrangement (7)
3 Rose garden not unknown to Scotsman and Pole, if they are these (9)
4 Sleep soundly by hillock (4)
5 Is in conversation to Lord too much? (10)
6 Edict puts a thousand back into employment (5)
7 I throw up into powdered remains of fire axe (7)
8 Snakes endlessly glide away (5)
13 Place in Victoria's country? (10)
16 Oxygen intake has so developed in algae (9)
17 D. Brown perhaps is brought in – to spoil Hugh, we hear (9)
19 To get to Lizard Point I go in the car (7)
21 Most reckon to turn up before Mother makes the fish sauce (4,3)
22 Missouri model provided the design (5)
23 Oddly, monkey is superior to me in capacity for memory! (5)
25 Lop off ends (4)

Solution to Crossword 4