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Puzzle 1 by Anax

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Anax learned to write crosswords with Roger Squires, otherwise known as Rufus of the Guardian. Rufus's puzzles are known for their fairness and to-the-point humour, and this has clearly rubbed off on his pupil. Anax's clues show originality, conciseness and wit, and I particulaly liked his clues for 1 across, 16 across and 6 down. In the past he has compiled regularly for the Birmingham Post, as well as for several free weekly papers.


Winter victory end (8)
6 Nasty accident leading to wrong use of words (6)
9 What doctor Campbell did once in his life? (4)
10 It may be good going for proof (4-6)
11 Make an accident popular, definitely (3,7)
13 Indian dance requires one (4)
14 Plan to have no box for games console (8)
16 Surrounded by mountains, I'd explore interior (6)
18 Soiled underpants nuns stubbornly refused to take off (6)
20 I am important, so I begin working (3,5)
22 The idea of going head first (4)
24 Advance made by hotel reception, which is great (10)
26 Highly placed opposition to 11? (2,2,3,3)
28 Outstanding recital of Pindar's work (4)
29 Private has to finish then start (6)
30 Bear laying odds in New York (8)
2 It might go off, dear. Look for directions inside (9)
3 Flowering plant, second raised on bed (7)
4 Bottom seen and massaged by tax collectors (5)
5 Declared part of total (3)
6 What supporter is doing is consigned to trash (9)
7 Taking out shotgun, crosses adversary (7)
8 One with attitude about fabulous writer (5)
12 Bemoan a version of a simple life (7)
15 Presumably sensible person knocked senseless? (3,4,2)
17 Find a nightclub  really (9)
19 Is there a race with more than one finish? (7)
21 Possibility of cave sections having a switch (7)
23 Project that is keeping politician supported by Left (5)
25 Sign that's right in the middle of a Spanish port (5)
27 Clerical attire in royal blue (3)

Solution to Puzzle 1 by Anax