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Crossword 30
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Method: Solve the clues and fit them where they will go.
A Wayward maid's about to show respect (6)
B They train British thatchers (8)
C Pass, say, obtained in Latin and English here? (7)
D Owner of several sides to make top of Division One cared madly about Hearts (12)
E More than one writer has first attempts put out (9)
F Digitally controlled part of recorder (10)
G Vine producer has no right to create imaginary commodity (8)
H Warm greeting by monarch enjoying more of Erica's presence (8)
I Doctor takes on 10 cases, sadly without a prayer (12)
J Project requires electronic fibre (4)
K State, one without a river? Yes and no (6)
L Conceals criminality of capital city ruled by shysters, chiefly (8)
M He acquires fine porcelain (British) that can be put in the dishwasher (10); We hear Scotsman's needing a bit of Irish skirt (4)
N Gent's ready to broadcast record in New York – this deals with his nerves? (14)
O Being given holy orders, could be nominated Rector (10)
P Knight reveals boy's hurting? (7)
Q Tom's heard of African shrubs (4)
R Midshipman's jacket (6); Just left home immediately? (5,4)
S Thorny problem: is one to go on without children? (7)
T And here he is giving lecture about Dickens! (4,2,3,5)
U By general consent a European flier has time off (3,4)
V Check pins knight in opening (4)
W Dai pines after Welsh valley (4)
X Wood-cutting axes old doctor packed in car (10)
Y Philosophic principle from region of Chinese river? (4)
Z Figure of speech involving God detailed by German scholar (6)

Solution to Crossword 30